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Just like people, animals can experience negative events and trauma. And just like people, our pets can carry energetic imprints of those negative events.


Major life changes—such as moving, rehoming, or introducing a new pet or family member— and past abuse or trauma can all affect your pet's well-being. These events may leave a lasting energetic impact, influencing their behavior and emotional state.  


When pets exhibit unusual behavior or habits, such as anxiety, overgrooming, having accidents in the house, tension with other pets or household members, or difficulty adjusting to a change, Mind Body Spirit Release™ may help (of course, always check with your vet first that these behaviors are not caused by a physical ailment or another issue).


What do sessions for pets look like?

Pet sessions are conducted virtually, with your pet's presence required for the initial session. For follow-up sessions, their attendance is optional, though always welcome!


During our first session, we’ll review the intake form (which you'll complete and submit beforehand). This helps me get to know your pet and understand your goals for our work together.


I will then spend about 20-30 minutes virtually muscle testing your pet to uncover any energetic imbalances while you both relax at home (or wherever you’re tuning in from). Once I identify the blocks, I'll share my findings, and we’ll discuss them together. Afterward, I’ll conduct the clearing using a cold laser, with myself as your pet's proxy. This process is non-invasive and often very relaxing.


After each session, you’ll receive a written report of the findings, along with recommendations on whether and when your pet may benefit from a follow-up session.


Energetic blocks that can be uncovered for pets
using Mind Body Spirit Release™ *

  • Negative emotions 

  • Blocks to positive emotions (for example, blocks to motivation or blocks to love)

  • Blocks in the spine

  • Blocks in scars

  • Blocks in organs, glands and tissues

  • Dis-resonance with people or other animals

*Not all categories will show up in a session​

Have questions or wondering how MBSR Method can help your pet?


Introductory Pricing (through end of 2024):

  • Virtual session (first session 1 hour, follow-ups ~40 minutes): $50 per animal​

How to book a session

If you'd like to book a session, email me at or use this booking form 

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